Resultados: 9

Pandemia da COVID-19: repercussões no quotidiano da família de profissionais de saúde atuantes em unidades emergenciais

Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm; 25 (spe), 2021
Objetivo: compreender as repercussões da pandemia da COVID-19 no quotidiano de familiares de profissionais de saúde atuantes em unidades de emergência. Métodos: estudo descritivo-exploratório de abordagem qualitativa, realizado com 18 familiares de profissionais de saúde atuantes em duas unidades d...

Estresse ocupacional em equipes saúde da família certificadas e não certificadas com selo de qualidade assistencial

Resumo Objetivo comparar o estresse ocupacional em trabalhadores de equipes saúde da família certificadas e não certificadas com selo de qualidade assistencial pela Tutoria da Atenção Primária à Saúde. Métodos estudo transversal realizado com 178 trabalhadores das equipes da Estratégia Saúde...

Saúde do trabalhador no contexto da estratégia de saúde da família: revisão integrativa de literatura

RESUMO Objetivo Identificar a produção de conhecimento sobre a Saúde do Trabalhador na Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF), com base na literatura científica nacional. Método Revisão integrativa de literatura. A busca foi realizada em outubro de 2019 e atualizada em abril de 2020, nas seguint...

Records in tuberculosis detection: perception of health professionals

Abstract Objective: to know the perception of health professionals about the records produced in the detection of symptomatic respiratory symptoms of tuberculosis. Method: a qualitative study carried out in the municipalities of Sapucaia do Sul and Pelotas (Rio Grande do Sul state). Data were collected...

Health and well-being: art therapy for health professionals working in outpatient care settings

Abstract Objectives: To enable health professionals, in an outpatient care setting, to experience the group process of art therapy and to understand the meaning given by him/her to this experience. Method: A qualitative study, using Symbolic Interactionism and Qualitative Conventional Content Analysis ...

The epistemological construction of transsexuality: the science, nursing and common sense

Abstract Objective: To know the common sense of transsexual women in reaction to the transsexual process and to discuss the epistemological construction about the transsexuality and nursing in this process. Method: Qualitative research, carried out between May and June 2017, with 90 transsexual women a...

Adversities experienced by professionals in the Primary Healh Care: implications for the meanings of the work

Abstract Objective: To understand the experiences of adversity in the Primary Health Care and their implications for the meanings of the participant professionals' work. Methods: Single case study, of qualitative nature, with 62 professionals active in the Family Health Strategy, whose data were collec...

Levels of engagement in primary health care professionals: a comparative study in two Brazilian municipalities

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the levels of engagement of Primary Health Care professionals in two municipalities. Methods: A descriptive study was carried out with 238 health professionals who work in the Primary Care services of two municipalities in the state of São Paulo. The engagement dimensio...

Care for chidren and adolescents victims of violence: feelings of professionals from a psychosocial care center

ABSTRACT Objective: to unveil the feelings experienced by health professionals working at a Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Care Center (Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infanto-Juvenil) in the care for children and adolescents victims of violence. Methodology: qualitative, descriptive and explorator...